Key Information Documents... what are they and who will benefit from them?

What are Key Information Documents?

K.I.D for short, these documents are intended to improve the transparency of information for agency workers, particularly around pay. It will give agency workers more immediate access to key pay-related information before agreeing on terms with an employment business, and a clear idea of how any fees and deductions will affect their pay.

What do I need to know?

With the recent IR35 changes, the decision was made to introduce these documents, which give those moving to agency work the right to view their contract before agreeing to the terms of their employment. Key Information Documents have been made a legal requirement to comply with regulation 13A of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 (the ‘Conduct Regulations’).

What information is included in Key Information Documents?

  • The information which relates to the relationship between the ‘employment business’ the ‘work-seeker’
  • The nature of work and the number of hours, including taxes or fees which may impact the worker’s pay
  • Entitlement to employee benefits such as holidays, pensions options etc
  • An estimate of the net pay the worker will receive after all mandatory deductions have been made
  • Who the employer is and who is paying the worker
